The Role of 14000Registry
14000registry is the host of the database for organizations that have adopted ISO 14001 in whole. 14000registry supports all four conformity assessment options, reflecting and supporting ISO's policy of neutrality.
14000registry is also host for the learning process for the EnviroReady Report. The Registry does not offer registration/certification services. There are many competent organizations that have both the expertise and the experience in this area, providing a consistent quality service. The Registry invites accredited registrars to establish reciprocal links to enable organizations that adopt ISO 14001 seamless access to qualified service providers.
The Registry is the developer and holds exclusive copyright, all rights reserved, on the learning process for the Environmental Management System Report on Agreed Upon Procedures (EMS AUP). The Registry is the sole entity that can assign a Certificate of Recognition for professional accountants recognizing them as a service provider of the EnviroReady Report process.
International Presence
The Registry also has an advisory board of EMS experts and country negotiators for ISO 14001 and accounting experts who can answer questions related to the EnviroReady Report and the application of the Report to ISO 14001.
When and if a formal interpretation of ISO 14001 is required, the Registry can facilitate a formal request from the national standards body, and if necessary the international forum, ISO/TC 207/SC1.
Who is behind 14000registry and the EnviroReady Report?
The developers of 14000registry have a long history in the development of ISO 14001 and other related standards. Some of them are or were negotiators of the standard or related standards for their respective countries. There have been many professional accountants who have also provided guidance to shape the development of the Report process. Thank you all for your support and insights.
The insight for what evolved to become the EnviroReady Report came from a conversation with (the late) Barry McDougall. At the time Barry was part of the Canadian Advisory Committee, working with Deloitte. He was sympathetic to the challenges of small business and prompted us to look at professional accountants as they were the trusted business to small business owners.
14000registry would also like to recognize the guidance and insight provided by ISO Central Secretariat (ISO CS), the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA), the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and FocusROI.